Expert job search advice.

Importance of demonstrating soft skills

“One in three recruiting professionals believe job candidates soft skills have gotten worse in the past five years”, said Susan Vitale, Chief Marketing Officer for iCIMS

Companies can train employees in technical skills. Soft skills, on the other hand, are harder to teach. If you’re looking for a new job, these are some of the soft skills employers are looking for (list compiled after reviewing Fast Company and Balance Careers articles—links at the bottom):

✔ The most important soft skill was the ability to solve problems, with 62% of recruiters seeking people who can find solutions.

✔ Adaptability was ranked highly in the iCIMS survey with it being a top skill for new graduates

✔ Indeed’s Director of Recruiting, Mike Steinerd, identified “acting as a team player” and “effective communication” as top ranked soft skills.

How do you demonstrate these skills in an interview? Before your interview, read the job description really carefully for pain points. When you are asked interview questions where you could demonstrate team work or adaptability, the key is to not just say, “I’m a team player”, but provide the proof through specific examples and story telling to demonstrate to the Hiring Manager that you have the personality traits that they are seeking.



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