Curated Career Conversations is a job search gold mine featuring interviews with career industry leaders and disruptors.

We share new interviews every month on the site with leaders like Paul Levy, Orville Pierson, Shama Hyder and more!

  • How to Get Promoted: A Curated Career Conversation

    How to Get Promoted: A Curated Career Conversation

    How to Get Promoted: What Does it Take to Reach the Top? Sarah Johnston (SJ): Many studies highlight the significance of internal promotions for both employees and employers. According to… Learn more >

  • Writing a Legal Resume: A Curated Career Conversation

    Writing a Legal Resume: A Curated Career Conversation

    Job postings for legal positions in large companies are on the decline. Companies are hiring less as they face fewer clients and deals. According to the law firm hiring tracker… Learn more >

  • The Role of the Agency Recruiter: A Curated Career Conversation

    The Role of the Agency Recruiter: A Curated Career Conversation

    Did you know there are FOUR different types of recruiters? Many job seekers are unaware of four types of recruiters: internal corporate recruiters, executive search recruiters, agency recruiters, and staffing… Learn more >

  • Unleash Your Personal Brand: A Curated Career Conversation

    Unleash Your Personal Brand: A Curated Career Conversation

    In the fast-paced world of personal branding and career development, gaining insights from experienced professionals can be a game-changer. I share my interview with startup growth leader Ashley Dodge in… Learn more >

  • Curated Career Conversations: Cynthia Pong

    Curated Career Conversations: Cynthia Pong

    Future Proofing Your Leadership Spend 5 minutes in a high school parking lot, and you’ll see a minimum of three cars with a YOLO (you only live once) bumper sticker… Learn more >

  • Curated Career Conversations: Brad Wooten

    2020 Tax Tips for Job Seekers and Freelancers Your tax situation might be very different this year than last. Especially if you: I believe that knowledge is power— and the… Learn more >

  • Curated Career Conversations: Brenda Abdilla

    Curated Career Conversations: Brenda Abdilla

    How to Tackle Bad Bosses and Difficult Work Situations Early in my career, I moved to a smaller city so that my husband could pursue graduate school. It was the… Learn more >

  • Sylvie di Giusto

    Sylvie di Giusto

    How to Present Yourself as a Leader Interview with International Speaker, Sylvie di Giusto Whether you like it or not, people make quick decisions about you every day based on… Learn more >

  • Dr. Nancy King

    Dr. Nancy King

    Fired! Interview with Workforce Expert Dr. Nancy King Workforce reduction. Terminated. Laid off. Down sizing. Re-organization. Fired. When you are employed, these are not words that you want to hear.… Learn more >

  • Monica Barnett

    Monica Barnett

    Let’s talk interview fashion with Monica Barnett! According to an article in The Balance Careers, some hiring managers say they know within the first 30 seconds or so whether the person has… Learn more >

  • Orville Pierson

    Orville Pierson

    The Key to a Highly Effective Job Search with the Man Who Taught the World to Network   Before I start the interview, I need to tell you how I… Learn more >

  • Travis Hornsby

    Travis Hornsby

    “I can’t afford to take a pay cut to do the work I really want to do. I have student loans and need to make payments”….. said just about every… Learn more >

  • Sam Horn

    Sam Horn

    “The interviewer looked bored” “I just ramble, and ramble and I’m not sure if I am even answering the interviewers questions” “I know that I can do the job, I just have… Learn more >

  • Justin Bariso

    Justin Bariso

     Having a strong emotional intelligence is crucial in the job search. A CareerBuilder study of more than 2,600 hiring managers and HR professionals showed that over two-thirds—71%—value EI even more than IQ in employees.  I had the… Learn more >

  • Laura Gassner Otting

    Laura Gassner Otting

    Laura Gassner Otting on Why Success ≠ Happiness Researchers at the University of Michigan studied American adults and found that 80% of us believe scoring that dream job is the key to continual career happiness.… Learn more >

  • Steve Faktor

    Steve Faktor

    The way we work is changing– and at a rapid pace. Advancements in technology are making us more nimble and connected than ever. I just watched an interesting presentation on… Learn more >

  • Paul Levy Fired

    Paul Levy Fired

    Don’t Sign the Severance Agreement! (Yet) As a job search coach, I talk to hard working people every single day who were pink slipped. They have mortgages, car payments and kids in… Learn more >

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