“I apply to 45 jobs per day. Every day. And all I ever get is rejection. I feel like I’ve applied to 1000s of positions and I’ve had virtually no call backs”.
— said job seekers everywhere
Is this you? If so, it might be time to consider a new approach. First, remember that 98% of job seekers are eliminated at the initial resume screening and only the “Top 2%” of candidates make it to the interview” (quote from Robert Meier in a Ladders article).
Are you tracking your applications so that you have a realistic picture of how you are measuring up to the averages? Tracking gives you measurable data so that you can start asking yourself questions like:
-Is my resume not resonating with my target audience? Am I underselling my transferable skills or my expertise?
– Am I even applying for the right positions? -Should I have more in person networking meetings?
Science Magazine published a great article this week that I sent to my Fight Club (in comment section) about how it pays to take the hard road in a job search. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Now might be a good time to modify your search and incorporate some different strategies.
Tell me a time you changed your strategy in a job hunt and got better results?