Expert job search advice.

Cyber Monday Job Search “Deal”

According to CareerBuilder’s 2016 Cyber Monday survey, more than half of workers (53%) say they spent at least some work time holiday shopping on the Internet. Of this group, 43% spend an hour or more doing so. <Insert gasp!>

If you are #jobsearching and want a new career in 2019, use that hour to update your online presence.

My Cyber Monday “deal” for you today are 5 free tips that will give you a stronger #Linkedin profile in under an hour.

1. Take a look at your headline. Does it tell others who you are & how you can impact the bottom line? I love William‘s suggestion in Forbes to use ” Job title/company + Keywords + Zing!”

2. Do you currently have a background image? If not, consider creating a custom background in Canva. It’s hands down the easiest way to have an original background.

3. If your page needs some “spice”, consider adding a few symbols to help you tell your story. Brynne wrote an excellent article with symbols you can literally copy and paste

4. Put your contact information in your summary statement so that you can be contacted without a connection request. If you want a new job, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to find and connect with you.

5. Customize Your LinkedIn URL. What are some other ideas?

Original LinkedIn post:


  • Sarah Johnston Headshot

    Founder of The Briefcase Coach, Sarah is an industry “insider” and job search expert. As a former corporate recruiter, Sarah got tired of seeing talented high-achievers get passed over for opportunities because they did not have the right marketing documents or know how to position themselves in interviews. Since opening Briefcase Coach in 2016, Sarah has helped thousands of clients land top-tier jobs through the creation of executive documents and interview coaching. In addition to working one-on-one with clients, she also supports job seekers through her blog, social media posts and bi-monthly newsletter, Career Briefs. She has been named a LinkedIn Top Voice, one of HR Weekly’s Top 100 Most Influential People in HR, and a “top follow” by JobScan. Her company, Briefcase Coach was named “best resume writing firm for experienced executives” by Balance Careers.

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