Job search strategy

  • What is an applicant tracking system (ATS), and how do recruiters use them? You’re just about to hit “send” on the resume you worked on with your career coach — the one you worked diligently to optimize keywords and align your experience with the needs of the role.  However, you can’t help but compare this…

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  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring platforms like Greenhouse ATS have replaced Human Resources’s need for file cabinets filled with paper resumes. While these systems were created to improve efficiency in the hiring process, many people have mixed feelings about the technology, leading some to refer to ATS as “the black hole of death.” Greenhouse,…

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  • Climbing the corporate ladder and landing an executive position is no easy feat. It requires not just years of experience but also the ability to navigate the often intimidating executive interview process. While your resume may get you in the door, your performance in the interview is what will seal the deal. Avoid these top…

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  • Did you know there are FOUR different types of recruiters? Many job seekers are unaware of four types of recruiters: internal corporate recruiters, executive search recruiters, agency recruiters, and staffing recruiters. Each type of recruiter is compensated differently, either through salary, a retainer, or a fee for placement. I am excited to share my conversation…

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  • One of job seekers’ most frequently asked questions is, “How long should an executive resume be?” Unfortunately, a considerable amount of misleading information about resume writing is circulating on the internet. This advice is usually given by university career center staff to students, but it has been ingrained in our minds as an absolute truth.…

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  • In the competitive realm of executive roles, your resume is the initial gateway to showcasing your qualifications and expertise. Among the various competencies and experiences, you may be tempted to include, highlighting specific leadership skills on your executive resume can significantly elevate your candidacy.  To stand out in the eyes of potential employers or executive…

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  • A compelling resume is essential for a Vice President of Operations seeking a new role. Most executive-level professionals likely already have ample “skills” and “experience” sections in their resume — but how can you communicate your impact on an organization’s success using these skills and experiences?  Crafting a compelling resume is not just about listing…

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  • Are you an executive with an impressive multi-decade career and a memoir’s worth of accomplishments? Does this leave you uncertain about how far back your resume should go and/or how much emphasis to place on your early career? You’re not alone. In most instances, it’s advisable to focus on your most recent experience and experience…

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  • Whether updating an old resume or crafting a new one, the first differences one might notice between older and modern examples are those that first meet the eye: formatting, design elements, color, call-out boxes, etc. However, while all of these elements are critically important in guiding the reader’s eye through the content of your resume,…

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  • A well-crafted resume serves as your passport to leadership roles, but articulating your story in a compelling way can be a challenge. Because your resume is often the first point of contact between you and potential employers, you want to create an initial impression that grabs a recruiter’s attention. A resume is not just a…

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  • In a competitive job market, dusting off the resume you used three jobs ago will not help you stand out. Knowing how to write a senior executive resume will help you highlight your achievements and showcase your personal brand. A well-done resume will also help employers know if you are aligned with the corporate culture.…

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  • A resume is THE cornerstone branding document in which all other career documents are built upon. For clear messaging that resonates with your target audience, a well-written resume is crucial. The resume is generally the first impression decision makers have to evaluate and may determine if the job seeker ever steps foot in the door.…

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  • In the dynamic landscape of executive recruitment, a well-crafted resume is a powerful tool for standing out in the competitive job market. This blog post delves into the significance of showcasing essential skills on an executive resume —Leadership, Communication, Business Acumen, Relationship Management, and Personal Effectiveness. Additionally, we will explore the strategic placement of these…

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  • Displaying skills on an executive resume poses a unique challenge and offers a distinctive opportunity. The challenge is preventing your resume from reading too junior or technical in a career echelon where the focus is less on highlighting the core competencies that should be a given at the executive stage. The opportunity in highlighting your…

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  • You must emphasize your experience, accomplishments, and skills when crafting your executive resume. The key is to draw attention to the skills that will benefit your target audience. In today’s highly competitive job market, having the right skills on your resume can significantly impact your chances of landing your dream job. In this article, we…

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  • For experienced professionals, simply dusting off the resume you used three jobs ago will not suffice in helping you stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive job market. Understanding how to write a senior executive resume will help you demonstrate your relevance to the job, showcase your personal brand to help employers determine if…

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  • As a senior executive, your resume is an important tool for showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements to potential employers. However, in today’s competitive job market, a traditional resume may not be enough to stand out from the crowd. That’s where the modernized senior executive resume comes in. A modern resume is a dynamic and…

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  • Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation and strategies, you can impress your potential employer and increase your chances of getting the job. In this article, we’ll discuss how to prepare and practice common interview questions to help you ace the interview and land the job. Practice, Practice, Practice Based on my experience,…

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  • In the fast-paced world of personal branding and career development, gaining insights from experienced professionals can be a game-changer. I share my interview with startup growth leader Ashley Dodge in today’s edition of Curated Career Conversations where we discuss how to unleash your personal brand. Ashley is the mastermind behind “Some Startup in Colorado,” a…

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  • The job market constantly changes, and keeping up with the latest trends and predictions can be difficult. On one hand, you have job market reports that paint a positive picture of the current job market and predict a bright future for job seekers. On the other hand, you have layoff reports highlighting companies’ struggles and…

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  • Crafting a compelling resume requires attention to detail, especially when aiming for leadership positions. While focusing on skills and experience is crucial, overlooking seemingly minor things can raise red flags for busy hiring managers. Let’s shed light on some common resume mistakes you might not have considered and their simple fixes: Ditch the Home Address…

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  • Key Insights and Strategies from Comprehensive User Polls LinkedIn stands as a critical tool for career advancement and business growth. What are the best practices for using LinkedIn in the ever-evolving digital landscape of professional networking? To unlock its full potential, it is imperative to understand the most effective strategies for profile optimization and platform…

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  • Free or Inexpensive Job Search Resources Available to Job Seekers A job search can often feel daunting, especially when on a budget. However, a successful job search doesn’t need to break the bank. With a wealth of free and inexpensive resources, it’s more than possible to enhance your job-hunting efforts without stretching your wallet. In…

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  • Experts weigh in on this year’s hiring trends and insights for next year. As we reflect on the past year and look toward 2024, it’s evident that the world of work has experienced significant shifts. The transition from the year of quiet quitting in 2022 to the year of corporate reckoning in 2023 has been…

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  • Prepare for performance reviews with tips from career experts As the year ends, it’s time to prepare for performance reviews. Whether you love them or dread them, performance reviews provide a valuable opportunity to reflect on your accomplishments, set goals for the future, and gain insights into your professional growth.  According to a study published…

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